Camelot: Julie Andrews 1960, New York City
October 1st, 2015 1:36 pm     A+ | a-

Julie Andrews poses for some publicity shots for the Boradway production of Camelot in 1960 taken by Milton H. Greene
"Arthur Jacobs, our good friend and Marilyn Monroe’s publicist, before he became a bigtime movie producer with “Planet of the Apes”, was contracted to do the PR for the Lerner and Loewe Broadway show “Camelot.” Arthur wanted a book done of “Camelot” from day one of rehearsal. So he went to the powers that be, Lerner, Loewe and Hart, and explained the situation. It had never been done before but they agreed that it was a good idea and Arthur, being an old friend suggested Milton. They all knew of him and were delighted that he would even consider such a project. Contracts were signed and everybody was happy. They were all pros. Milton’s reputation preceded him and even Richard Burton and Julie Andrews were impressed. Our beloved friend Roddy McDowell played the villain and it was a joyful experience from beginning to end. Milton's work on Camelot was used in the Broadway album, the playbill, and a substantial story in Life magazine. When it opened in New York, it played to packed houses at every performance. As we all know, the play “Camelot” became associated with the JFK administration. They were glorious years."

Excerpted from But That's Another Story, by Amy & Joshua Greene. Published by powerHouse Books.
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